This website is Zeerki-proof!

Ever tried on underwear made out of turtle skin?

"Yesli raz delo,...raz va dzram da delo." "Lubo da lubo."

I've been on a search for many years looking for a way to get five Kutta (fingers) or at least a way to get new clothes or anything that would make me feel more like my parent and less like a little Woggie. That might seem strange to you but my life has been strange, like a bad movie. I only have three fingers and I'm self conscious about it. My parent died when I was ripped from his stomach by Willis Davidge and ever since then I've felt a little out of place, kind of like a fish out of water.

My new parent is not like me but he treats me like his own. Even though I ran away and caused him to get shot a bunch of times. I almost became soup when a bad guy tried to throw me in a molten rock cauldron but my new parent shot him before he could. My story is long, confusing, poorly scripted and way over budget!

If you would like to learn all about my life up until now you can look at this page. Enemy Mine which tells about a movie made about me, my parent and my adoptive parent.

- Current -

11/3/2023- Just today I found out I have to get my tooth pulled. I only have six but it's no big deal because I can easily regrow another tooth, like a shark. It started out when I bit into a stale chunk of Naesay. Naesay is a high in protein food made in a factory on my planet, Dracon. It's basically made out of plant matter and tasts kind of like rubber cement. You might find out more about it if you watch my movie.