Let's try the little woggie in the soup. Whaddya say? Boil his bones!

Work smarter not harder AKA make filthy dracs do all the work.

"Hold it, sucker! Yeah!"

I graduated from the school of hard knocks. Maybe I have not always been a "good guy" but I had to raise myself and my little brother, Johnny because my parents were killed by a Drac. I've commited my life to making Dracs pay for all the suffering I've faced in my life. I don't think it's wrong because they are not even human. In the 80's I was able to purchase my own ship and fitted it with all the modern equipment needed to extract prescious metals from planets. It's not easy but it pays the bills plus you know, the free labor helps. Anyway, I hate Dracs.

There was a movie made about me and my brother, JohnnyEnemy Mine I did not have a huge part in the movie but I made a huge impact with my ACE acting so check it out, toad face.

- Current -

11/4/2023- Just looking for help if you want to work for a boss ship. I pay in jerky and whisky.