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EVIL - Suddenly, I feel very, very good.

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Stand by for Mind Control! That line propelled me to stardom. I've thoroughly enjoyed my status since the release of my movie. Despite what they say, I know the plot had nothing to do with good vs evil but rather the idea of what people will do for money. My approach when shooting this movie was to showcase the influence evil has on mankind and just how greedy we really are. You see, being short of stature was a euphemism for how short of moral decency we all are. You could not make this movie with tall people going about making good choices.

My favorite scene in the movie was when Kevins parents blew up at the end leaving him to carry on despite any parental guidance, something he was doing already. The lesson being you should acquire modern appliances, so they don't blow up!

When filming was wrapped up, I went back to my regular job making patio furniture and trying to get my baking show off the ground. Still, I dress up in the red "tomato" costume every Tuesday and run around the neighborhood giving all the kids a laugh.





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