wis bio gif

There is a place where we could find the greatest thing man could want, the goal of everybody's hopes and dreams.

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Just because I'm small in stature does not mean I don’t have big ideas. Take the time in the forest for example. I was the one who had the idea to look for the most fabulous object in the world. You might think I was under the control of Evil, but it was the other way around. I led him into a false sense of control so I could get to the fortress of ultimate darkness where I could hatch my real plan.

Once inside the fortress I was turned into a pig. That was also part of my plan to get back to work in the shrubbery department. I’ve never really been happy doing anything other than landscaping work. Spending an eternity forming shrubs and such really is heavenly.

While I did enjoy playing OG in the movie, I felt like Randall always tried to make me seem dense. The scene where we were dancing for Napoleon was not supposed to turn into a fight but by then we were so fed up with each other, we just went at it with real kicks and punches. I suffered a concussion as a result, but it didn’t stall my career in acting. These days you can sfind me safely dancing while trimming hedges.





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