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Of course. We're international criminals. We do robberies!

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Playing the role of Fidgit was supposed to go to Gary Coleman but he could not get away from his job as a security guard at a car dealership. For me it was a lucky break. Not because I was new to acting but because it was a role that allowed me to wear a colander on my head, something I've always wanted to do. The idea was mine and I even brought my own favorite colander to the set.

One of the best memories I have of the move is the Robin Hood scene where the robber was punching the poor. The punches were real. Two of the extras never woke up after that scene so just a heads up, don't be poor. I was offered to do a spinoff based on that scene with Kevin Costner, but I turned down the role as I was already committed to being a troll in a B movie I won’t name here. My least favorite scene with Sean Connery where he played Agamemnon. First off, I could have played both my role and that one with my eyes closed. Then there was the way Connery acted so high and mighty like HE was the boss of the movie, asking me to fetch him this and that. He even had the nerve to ask me to do cartwheels, flips, and to run about with only a bucket on my head. It was all so unprofessional.

Overall, I think I made the biggest impact in the movie and made it the hit it is. I've since been asked to play the role of Andrea The Giant in his biography but I'm holding out for more money on that one.





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