Kos son va, Irkmann?

Shizumaat teaches us "Intelligent life takes a stand."

"Irkmann, ta govertya verit ta. Ta tolki vyezhdi rozzo."

I come from a long and prestigious line of Dracs known to be great explorers of worlds, Rrrrrrrr.

My life started out on the eastern hemisphere of Dracon in a small coastal town. My "parent" Gothig was an explorer of worlds but was also too busy to take me fishing so I learned at a young age to dream of other worlds. While studying the Talman one day I was struck by the idea of getting out there and seeing what other star systems are like and so it began. My journey to seek out other words. It would not be long before I found myself fighting in a far away star system with several uncharted planets that were being illegally annexed by huuuumans. I would crash in that fight and find myself on a seemingly desolate planet where I would befriend an Irkman named, Willis. Eventually Willis would rip out my stomache but that's a long story that you will have to watch for yourself.

Check out this WiKi page for deets. Enemy Mine which tells about a movie made about me, my child and Willis.

- Current -

11/4/2023- I've been getting into cooking lately and have learned that if you dry etyida entrails and add them to boiled naesay, it actually taste similar to turtle soup.