But we're stranded here, you understand? You get it or don't you gavey Engleesh, huh?

From BTA fighter to Drac lover.

" What do I have to do, carry you, you lazy bastard?"

Hi, my name is Willis but you can call me Uncle. My life as a BTA man was mostly boring with long hours and weeks of nothing to do but perform random test flights, mapping systems at a desk and just waiting until something might pop off. Dracs were the sworn enemy and we were always on the lookout for a fight. I hated Dracs so blowing them out of the sky was no problem until during one battle when I hit atmosphere sending me stright towards a rocky planet. I wanted to punch out but my injured co-pilot was non responsive so I had to take her down. That day would be the start of a journey I never imagined I'd be on. Over the next few years I changed my way of thinking, grew a long smelly beard, ate slugs, sang, leared the Drac language, made clothes out of turtles and was shadowed by a much better actor. There's more to the story but you'll have to find out for yourself.

The story of my life as a BTA man was made into a move. Enemy Mine I was the star of that movie just so you know.

- Current -

11/4/2023- I just moved to Seattle with my cat. I'm trying to help Zammis get some better clothes but times are tight right now. I just applied for a job on a scavanger ship and hoping for a deck job, fingers crossed! I'm doing just fine but with age I am not getting around as much these days. I guess all that fast living has caught up with me.